Practicing Gratitude Daily: A personal journey

blog gratitude Lifestyle thee everyday woman

What prompted me to start this journey was when I finally decided to finish my Bible Plan on the Bible app called: The Transforming Power of A Grateful Heart

Within the plan it had bullet points that guides on continuing this journey. I want to share this list for those that decide or need something to go off of in order to get this journey going.

Before I share that, I want to be transparent as to why I'm starting this. I'm in a place in my life where I need to be more grateful. I am very hard on myself and tend to be so future this and planning that, that I forget to smell the roses and really allow God to not only WORK but to express my gratitude for the things I currently have. That's just a little of why I am doing this and adding it to my daily routine. I think it's important to do this.... for ME.

Again this is from the Bible App:

  • Start a gratefulness journal. Record personal gratitude daily.
  • Open your eyes to see all that which is praiseworthy.
  • Guard your heart and mind by limiting negative input.
  • Express your gratitude to others.
  • Share and speak about things you are grateful for with those around you.
  • Model and encourage a grateful heart in your home.
  • Pray daily and also together with others you love.
  • Model a life of thoughtfulness and sacrifice for others.
  • Ask the Holy Spirit to help you and then yield to His work.
  • Interrupt anxious moments with a good praise and worship song,
  • Break the habit of complaining with a grateful comment.
  • Start learning to see the silver-lining in circumstances.
  • Give others grace and the benefit of the doubt.
  • Imagine what eternal perspective could look like to bring good out of a situation.
  • Volunteer to serve the less fortunate.
  • Meditate every morning and evening on what you are thankful for in your life.
  • Pause when you find yourself feeling down; think about all the good things in your life.
  • Read God's Word daily and with your family.

This is a long list, so take what applies or what you would like to start adapting to along the way.

If you have an GRATITUDE journals recommendations, please share them.

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